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What Conveniences does RFID Reader Bring to New Retail?


Brief Introduction

In the era of "Internet plus", new retail helps enterprises to improve sales efficiency through online and offline integration. The addition of RFID Reader has helped retail enterprises to build digital management in the whole process, improve service experience and promote revenue growth in production, supply chain, store sales, home distribution and customer experience, warehouse management etc.
In the era of "Internet plus", new retail helps enterprises to improve sales efficiency through online and offline integration. The addition of RFID Reader has helped retail enterprises to build digital management in the whole process, improve service experience and promote revenue growth in production, supply chain, store sales, home distribution and customer experience, warehouse management etc.

Today, let's start with the warehousing management process and find out what convenience RFID Reader have brought to new retail enterprises?


1. The variety of goods is complex and diverse, making warehouse management very difficult
2. Low efficiency of goods in and out of storage and sorting, prone to errors, and affecting user shopping experience
3. Inventory information is not updated in a timely manner and cannot be effectively managed, which can easily lead to goods being squeezed


In warehouse management, using the AUTOID UTouch RFID Reader, you only need to scan the barcode information of the goods to quickly obtain all the information of the goods, eliminating the need for manual inventory and finding, helping enterprises achieve intelligent management of sorting and distribution, greatly improving work efficiency.


1. AUTOID UTouch RFID Reader has an RFID tag group reading capacity more than 200 tags/second, which can easily handle the inventory work in warehouse management, greatly improve the inventory efficiency, and help enterprises save labor costs;

2. AUTOID UTouch RFID Reader adopts a slender handle and ergonomic design, which improves the comfort of operation and eliminates fatigue even when used for a long time;

3. AUTOID UTouch RFID Reader can be seamlessly linked with the warehouse management system, realizing real-time updating and sharing of information. Warehouse staff can use the RFID Reader to find the location, quantity and inventory status of goods at any time, helping enterprises to efficiently handle inbound and outbound operations. 

RFID Reader helps enterprises improve the efficiency of warehouse management, effectively reduce error rates and labor costs, and achieve full-process standardization, refinement, visualization, and digital management. They are an indispensable part of new retail enterprises.