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The Application Value of RFID Readers in Power Inspection


Brief Introduction

In recent years, with the continuous development of power grid construction, the importance of power inspection is self-evident. It can help power companies and other institutions discover problems with power equipment in a timely manner, and avoid equipment failures and accidents.

In recent years, with the continuous development of power grid construction, the importance of power inspection is self-evident. It can help power companies and other institutions discover problems with power equipment in a timely manner, and avoid equipment failures and accidents. At the same time, it can also help ensure the reliability and efficiency of the power system, reduce maintenance and operating costs. Introducing RFID Readers into inspection management can help achieve intelligent inspection and more efficient and convenient management.

The traditional power inspection mode requires inspection personnel to manually copy records, which is labor-intensive, prone to errors, unable to verify whether the inspection work is in place, and data updates are not timely. Management personnel cannot obtain real-time equipment operation status, which is not conducive to subsequent maintenance and repair work.

RFID Reader

Application Solutions

By introducing barcodes, electronic labels, GPS positioning, and more into power inspection work, staff can use RFID Readers to achieve device information reading and writing, real-time data transmission, and other functions, improving the efficiency of power inspection work and assisting enterprises in real-time and effective supervision.

1. Barcode Information Collection

Using barcodes or RFID tags to provide independent identity information for different devices, information collection can be completed by scanning tags using RFID Readers. AUTOID UTouch RFID Reader uses the Android 9.0 system, an 8-core 1.8GHz hardware platform, and is equipped with a professional scanning engine, integrating scanning and RFID functions.

2. GPS Positioning

By using GPS positioning function, dynamic tracking of equipment and personnel can be achieved, enhancing personnel management. AUTOID UTouch RFID Reader supports Beidou, GLONASS and GPS the third mock examination HD positioning, realizing real-time recording of outdoor operation track and ensuring personnel safety.

3. Image Acquisition

AUTOID UTouch RFID Reader has a rear mounted 13M zoom camera, a front mounted 5M camera, and an LED flash that supports image information collection, making inspection information more intuitive and comprehensive.

4. Wireless Network Transmission

AUTOID UTouch RFID Reader supports 2.4G/5G dual mode Wi Fi, meeting the requirements of severe channel interference, high roaming ability, and fast reconnection. It can still ensure high-speed and stable transmission in complex environments. The inspection information can be synchronized in real-time to the backend system, which is efficient and convenient.

Regular inspection of equipment using RFID Readers can help to understand the working status and performance status of power equipment in real-time, improve the safety and reliability of the equipment, reduce machine failures, and provide higher guarantees for enterprise production.